<8th Dec Thus>
















動物園の赤ちゃんと言えば、Whipsnade Zooで最近キリンの赤ちゃんが生まれたので見に行きたくて、明日は他に予定がないしお天気良さそうなのですが、最高予想気温3度という寒さでだだっ広い園内を歩くのは無理かな。



We are writing with sad news that one of our three Sumatran tiger cubs has passed away unexpectedly this week.
We know many of you have been to visit the cubs and would want to hear this from us as soon as possible. For those of you bringing children to the zoo regularly we also hope this gives you the chance to talk to them about it before your next visit if you need to. 
Inca, one of three cubs born in June to parents Asim and Gaysha, was discovered dead in the Tiger Territory enclosure on Wednesday morning.
She had been seen playing happily with the rest of her family earlier that morning with no evidence of illness or injury. 
Shortly after the tigers went into the outdoor paddock after breakfast as usual, keepers doing their standard checks saw Inca lying unmoving behind a log. They immediately called the tigers inside and made their way into the enclosure, but she had already died.
Nobody saw what happened, but the physical evidence suggests Inca was likely injured by a single swipe from another tiger. It’s not uncommon for tiger parents to give cubs a warning swipe in the course of normal parenting, but sadly this caught Inca in a delicate area of the skull, and she is thought to have died instantly. 
We are sorry to share such sad news this close to Christmas. Our keepers are naturally devastated by this accident so please be kind if you see them at the exhibit on your next visit. 
They will be keeping a close eye on Asim, Gaysha, and remaining cubs Zac and Crispin over the coming days.